Organizational Background

The inception of CREA on 01 November 1999 was to serve the country’s substance-dependant people and their families by offering a culture-sensitive and, at the same time, low-cost, scientific treatment program that would ensure a lower rate of relapse, i.e., a higher rate of treatment success. The organization launched its operations by mobilizing local resources and with fulltime involvement of its founding directors, who were adequately conversant with treatment and rehabilitation of substance dependence. The initiation of CREA as a trendsetter had two dimensions. One was to set an example that a “drug rehab” center could sustain completely on local resources, which was not the reality of the time, as similar centers were very much dependent on foreign funding and donation. This instance later inspired others, mainly ex-users at the grassroots, to venture into setting up such generic centers across the country. The second dimension was application and promotion of modern approaches (Social Learning Theory etc.) in the understanding of and interventions in drug dependence and related high-risk behaviors.

Legal Status

CREA has expanded its activities in other areas of development by incorporating the organization into a Society in 2004, under Societies Act of 1860, section 21. [ Reg. S-4020(122) of 2004]


Vision & Mission

CREA envisages a human society of healthy and creative individuals aware of their rights and responsibilities, proactive to create a society free from all stigmas and discriminations, and open to new ideas for actualization of their potentials.

CREA will promote and advance public awareness, education, and health services for improving community wellbeing within the context of scientific knowledge.


  • OPENNESS: (we are) open to new ideas and criticism and (keen to) unprejudiced study of the changing phenomena.
  • NON-DISCRIMINATION: (we are) responsive to the needs of the beneficiaries irrespective of sex, race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, socio-economic condition, and type of morbidity.
  • COMMITMENT: (we are committed) to build a society of healthy and creative individuals.
  • INTEGRITY: (we value integrity) of intention and honest, transparent action.

General Objectives

  1. To reduce substance abuse, HIV/AIDS, mental and community health vulnerability among men, women, adolescent boys and girls, children and transgender to access improved services in prevention, treatment, care and support.
  2. To exclusively advocate for supportive policies for vulnerable persons affected by substance abuse, HIV/AIDS, mental health and community health related issues
  3. To develop knowledge base on substance abuse, HIV/AIDS, mental health and community health.


Objectives with supporting strategies:

  • Being an effective organization (institutionalization)
  • Raising awareness of the mass on issues like substance abuse, HIV/AIDS and General and Mental health and do advocacy at policy and all stake holder level on the same issues
  • Develop a number of health service delivery system
  • Develop knowledge base on thematic areas ( i.e. Substance abuse, HIV/AIDS, Mental & Community health) through social and scientific research and related publications
  • Building network and partnership with national and international organizations pursuing human development objectives
  • Ensure sustainability of the CREA Society


Operational strategies:

To carry out effective the tasks laid out by the general objectives CREA has chosen five operational strategies, which are:

  1. Research
  2. Training & Education
  3. Project Development
  4. Advocacy & Awareness
  5. Social Business

Thematic Areas

  1. Substance dependence
  2. Mental health
  4. Community health